Sunday, 16 February 2014

Catching up 2 - Back to BAT

I have just dredged back through the annals, and I can't find a picture of his front seat, although I know I have some somewhere.  Until I find one, here is a photo that I have robbed from somewhere ages ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember where from.  If this is your photo, I will cheerfully add the acknowledgement or take it down or whatever.  Anyway, this is what the seats used to look like.  Ours had a rip and were dirtier.

Ah ha!  What is missing from this picture? Yes.  The seat.  My seat I think.  This is because we were at the lovely BAT again, and they were taking our seats away. Not because we had been naughty, but because the plan was that they would recover them and we would get them back at DubFreeze, which was, back then, a fortnight in the future. (Ignore the temporal shifts, I promise it's easier to write at the right time!)

Passenger seat, on the pavement.

Passenger seat on the bench at BAT.

Sneaky photo of someone else's van at BAT, with an ATT interior, showing us what an excellent decision we had made to go with this particular combination of craftsmen.

Now, the decision made at BustFest was to probably go with the 'Snodger setup'  Now that we had decided on the oak, we thought we would check the colour against the wood.  We also had the advice of Mrs BAT, who knows more about colours and matching than I would ever know.

Deconstruction of the seats begins.

In the meantime, we we borrowed a couple of seats. Look carefully at these seats dear reader, because this is BAT's idea of a scaggy pair of seats that we can borrow because they are due for recovering.  This is a pair of seats so bad, that if the back of my seat hadn't fitted properly over the hook and the cooker, the chap was happy to slice it out with a Stanley knife.  I actually winced when he said that.  These seats were beautiful.  Fabric inner, cream leathery-stuff outer, fabric piping.  They also had proper inners, unlike our 40 year old inners, and therefore were lovely and comfortable!

So we drove back again, leaving our seats at BAT, due to collect at DubFreeze.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone so don't mock the spelling and I'll be back later to sort the layout!

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