Sunday, 16 February 2014

Catching up 1 - Brian gets given a sample

I'm sorry, dear reader, that we have not updated the blog as regularly as I should have done.  The next couple of posts will bring us up to date with Brian as he stands so far.

This is Brian outside BAT.  We were supposed to pick up the wood samples from ATT as arranged at BusFest, but life had caught up with all of us and the postman actually delivered them after we had been.  Frustrating.

However, BAT being awesome folks, promptly sent them on to us, and the process of holding them up against everything in sight began.

The lighter one is Ash, the darker one is Oak.  We tried it against the floor.

We tried it against the seat backs.

We tried it against the fabric.

We tried it against the exterior.

And we tried it against the cushions again.
Our conclusion was to go for the darker one, the oak.  When I write it like that, it sounds so simple.  In fact, this took several weeks of wandering about with lumps of wood, making a decision, changing it, deciding for definite, changing our minds again, deciding for absolutely sure this time, humming and harhing once more.
But it is definitely, absolutely, totally, completely, going to be the oak.
Well, it has to be now.  It's ordered...... (But ATT say we can change our minds until March.....)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone so don't mock the spelling and I'll be back later to sort the layout!

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