Saturday, 19 April 2014

Oh what an Ugly Bay!

Ok, this is an unkind and snobby post.

No, really it is.

I am not a nice person.

Now that we have that out of the way, here is a modern Danbury. (I hope you aren't eating whilst reading this.)

I like the Zippy character.  I have no issue with Old School education programmes and their assorted stuffed merchandise.  I do have a problem with over stuffed seats that look like my Nan's sofa.

I like the black and white cushions.  I have severe misgivings about the mdf/laminate interior.  Come on Danbury - the owners will have paid over the odds for this van, and you couldn't use real wood?

Hmmm.  Regular readers will be aware of my feelings about check.  We had Burberry Check.  We destroyed it with much delight.  This should be happening here....

I did like the wheels though!

So why do this post?  I'll tell you.  Because I was told "You've got an old T2?  We've got one over there."  No.  No you do not.

NO! I tells ye!

This is a polo engine in a Brazilian body made of metal found on the beach and beaten in to a rough shape.  This is an example of a vehicle which is rotting more after 10 years than ours after 42.  This is an example of people who want image over style, the joy of the waving without the commitment of the tinkering, people who want the way of life that they see, without truly understanding the two-way adoption that is the T2 and the family. I may not always like Brian when he bangs out of gear, but I will always love him.  He is family. This is creation is not an original T2 dear boy.

I shall leave this subject with a quote from an Indian philosopher.

“Do not repeat after me words that you do not understand. Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, for it will be an illusion and you will thereby deceive yourself.” 
― Jiddu Krishnamurti

Indeed so, dear Danbury owners, indeed so......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone so don't mock the spelling and I'll be back later to sort the layout!

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