Tuesday, 29 January 2013

It's curtains for Brian!

Gosh. I know. Comedy genius! Yesterday, thanks to a fabulous UPS chap who went above and beyond the call of duty, we received the curtains for Brian. The more eagle eyed reader will notice that the picture above shows a duvet cover. Indeed so! This is because we are taking the 3 double duvet sets we ordered to the talented Sarah at vwcampercurtains to have them transformed into curtains. She's just up the road from us and has been very helpful and approachable when we've seen her at shows, so that's why she's got the job lol!

Three double duvets gives us 6m by 2m of material, plus pillows. That should be plenty, according to Sarah's flier.
We've looked at lots of fabric, both IRL and on-line and never really found what we wanted. We liked the hibiscus stuff, but Brian doesn't want to be a surf bus. He wants to be a fun bus! We thought about plain curtains once we saw how busy his door cards were, but again it just didn't feel right. Then J saw this on eBay, and Bob was our uncle.
The duvet covers came from eBay, a shop called curtainlining_uk and the service was fantastic. Ordered on Sunday, here on Tuesday. The email communication when I wanted to double check the order was swift and efficient as well! I've been having a poke around the shop and I'll definitely be ordering from there again.
The duvet covers are double sided, with one comic strip side in colour, and one in red and black.

It's lovely, and so very Brian! Obviously I'll update the blog as his curtains progress!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone so don't mock the spelling and I'll be back later to sort the layout!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Campermart.... Hmmmm...

Yesterday we went to campermart. It was J, the 11yr old boy, the 9 yr old boy, and I. And the ages matter, later in the post......

It was ..... Ok. Just ok really. It wasn't brilliant and it was no DubFreeze but it was ok.

Parts of it were lovely. Beautiful. Stunning.

But those pictures are it. There were 12 VW on display in the hall, 1 more by the band, the steering chaps had their blue bay there, and that was about it. Hmmmm.

There seemed to be lots if clothing and bags and accessory stalls more than anything else, although the helpful Megabug were there, even if they didn't have the 2 things we asked for. It's understandable - packing for a show into a limited space means you can't take everything.

And then we went into the second hall, and that's when things got a little trippy.

The BMX tricks I could just about understand. The bikes are not an uncommon sight at shows where there is camping.

The trick-cyclists were very good - hence the poor pictures!

The ice-sculpting? Well, ok, it's winter, it was a VW theme, it's a tenuous link, but it's there.

The chap worked fairly quickly as well.

The Picard into Yoda graffiti artists? Well, um, they were certainly talented, the chap next to this one was spray painting a portrait from a photograph, with tone and so on and she looked very good.

But the roller derby tournament? You see, there the organisers of campermart lost me completely. There were about 20 teams I think, and they had great names, lots of Lycra, and did a lot of shoving. However, it felt like it was a space filler.

The main cause of the lack of direction for this section of the show was that Tattoo Freeze was in the next hall. We could have gone through for an extra £10 per adult, but didn't. It just seemed that the Tattoo Freeze people, gorgeous though lots of them were, had kind of bled through into campermart. The stalls on this side of the second hall were that way inclined - great, but not camper related!


It was £3.50 to park, £10 each for J and I, kids go free.

There were a couple of lovely campers, a couple of parts stalls, a lot of jumpers and bags and garden planters, and general "we'll slap a splitty on it and flog it" type merchandise.

There was BMX, roller derby and tattoo's. Oh, and body painting. Don't get me started on walking around a corner to find 2 ladies having their fronts decorated, albeit beautifully, but onto their whole fronts. Yes. Did I mention the age of my boys......

Will we go again? I don't know. It was an hours drive, it was expensive for what it was, and it wasn't a buying extravaganza as advertised. It was just ..... Ok.

So probably not for a couple of years.

(I've just been informed that the 9 yr old wants to go again. For artistic reasons.....)